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Finding the Right Rhythm for Baby Feeding

Finding the Right Rhythm for Baby Feeding

Figuring out how you’d like to feed your babies before they come home is definitely key. This is especially so if you're expecting twins, triplets or more. Learn about the various ways of feeding and discuss with your partner what works best for your family!
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“How do you get all of them fed?” is a question that many parents of multiples receive. It’s usually followed by “Do you breastfeed them? How?!”

To be frank, by the time my triplets were safely home with me (the entire pregnancy was an ordeal to say the least), it didn’t matter too much to me how they were fed, as long as they were fed. 


Feeding your little one is a central aspect of early parenting, and establishing a suitable feeding schedule is key to their well-being. From breastfeeding to formula feeding and the introduction of solids, there are various approaches to crafting a feeding routine that aligns with your children’s needs and developmental stage. 

On-Demand Feeding:

Freedom in Timing: On-demand feeding allows babies to dictate when they're hungry. Parents respond to hunger cues, whether it's fussiness, rooting, or lip-smacking, and offer feeds accordingly. This approach is common in breastfeeding and can be adapted for bottle-feeding as well. 

Scheduled Feeding:

Structured Timing: Scheduled feeding involves establishing a fixed routine, with feeding times set at regular intervals. This method provides predictability, making it easier for parents to plan their day. It can be applied to both breastfeeding and formula feeding. Majority of parents with twins, triplets or more do this to stay sane. 

Combination Feeding:

Flexibility Personified: Combination feeding combines breastfeeding with formula feeding or pumped breast milk. This approach offers flexibility, allowing parents to adapt their feeding routine based on circumstances, work schedules, or personal preferences.

Cluster Feeding:

Bunched-Up Feeding Times: Cluster feeding involves a series of closely spaced feeds within a short period, often seen during growth spurts or developmental leaps. This natural pattern can provide extra nourishment and comfort during specific phases.

Feeding on Cue During Illness:

During illness, feeding on cue becomes crucial. Babies may have fluctuating appetites, and responding to cues ensures they receive the nourishment needed to recover. As a breastfeeding family, we found this really helpful. 


The ideal feeding schedule is one that suits your babies’ unique needs, aligns with your lifestyle, and allows for flexibility as they grow. Whether it's on-demand feeding, a structured routine, or a combination approach, paying attention to their cues and adapting to their changing needs ensures a nourishing and positive feeding experience for everyone. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and we can all opt for what suits our needs the best.

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